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Mark O’Brien Talks CEO Fitness and the FitPlusWell Revolution

Mark O'Brien Talks CEO Fitness and the FitPlusWell Revolution
Photo Courtesy: Mark O'Brien

By: Joshua Finley

Keeping up a gym membership can be hard. The IHRSA’s Health Club Business Handbook estimates that around 45% of gym goers give up on their gym contracts within six months of signing up. However, at least those gym members signed up. When it comes to C-Suite executives and other time-poor professionals, there’s a marked reluctance to commit to a gym routine.

According to entrepreneur Mark O’Brien, founder of FitPlusWell, several reasons besides being time-poor discourage executives from taking up a gym membership and sticking to a focused, goal-orientated gym routine.

O’Brien notes, “There are many professionals, from entrepreneurs to CEOs, who tackle daily challenges with ease. We’re talking about highly focused individuals who aren’t afraid to take on the world. But mention the need for a proper work-life balance, including a structured fitness program to reach the next level, and you’ll be surprised at how reluctant they are to jump in.”

Meeting the Challenge

Executives are frequently reminded that a few simple lifestyle changes can reduce their risk of heart disease, Australia’s leading cause of death. However, implementing these changes can be particularly difficult for those in the C-Suite. 

Often pressed for time, they are responsible for developing strategy and evaluating its impact on the bottom line—tasks that lead to sleepless nights and an approach to both mental and physical health that does not meet even basic needs. The pressures that are faced by Captains of Industry are immense, but that makes it all the more important that they make an extra effort when it comes to a work-life balance – and keeping fit.

Recent research by the Harvard Business Review revealed just how time-poor executives are. They’re working an average of 9.7 hours per weekday, doing business 79% of weekend days (putting in an average of 3.9 hours on Saturdays and Sundays) and are on the job 70% of vacation days. Getting these high-flyers into a gym, keeping them there, and motivating them to follow lifestyle plans is challenging. 

According to O’Brien, it isn’t just the time commitment that makes executives think twice before they opt for a gym membership; it’s also the gyms themselves.

“The time issue is at the top of these executives’ minds, but they’re also wary of traditional gyms. They’ve had bad experiences with subpar equipment and crowded floors, and they have a general experience that reflects the gym management’s commitment to the bottom line. These traditional gyms aren’t afraid of churn – they know someone will be along to take the place of a member who has abandoned the gym. It’s part of their business planning.”

There’s also the matter of coaching, something that O’Brien is especially passionate about, and part of the unique selling proposition of FitPlusWell.

“Being treated like a number isn’t going to motivate someone to join a gym. It certainly won’t inspire someone who spends ten hours a day at the office to start working out. When I was a coach at big box gyms, I saw the discouragement on people’s faces, and that’s when I realized the traditional gym model simply wasn’t going to work. 

“These executives needed coaching, a great place to work out, individual attention, and personalized fitness and lifestyle programs. That’s the secret behind FitPlusWell’s success—the team is fully committed to helping clients reach their full potential and enjoy the experience.”

Put me in Coach!

The savvy O’Brien has based the business model of FitPlusWell on exploiting a market need, serving executives who want the best when it comes to fitness advice, and want a gym experience out of the top drawer.

“These professionals are used to being Masters of the Universe; they want results, and at the same time, they want to be in control. It’s a delicate balancing act, but our team members are trained to communicate with clients and develop a fitness solution that fits in with the demands of the busy executive lifestyle. 

“These are people who typically don’t struggle with complex subjects, but sometimes you have to explain to them that a coach and a structured program of lifestyle changes are non-negotiable. Focusing on getting in shape means they’re likely to live longer, have greater mental acuity, and, perhaps most importantly, reduce their stress levels.”

Mark O'Brien Talks CEO Fitness and the FitPlusWell Revolution

Photo Courtesy: Mark O’Brien

A Personal Journey

O’Brien’s father, a dedicated top-tier badminton player, struggled with injuries, as did O’Brien, who had to cut short a promising football career due to a recurring injury. Overcoming the challenge of injury and ensuring that clients remain positive and physically fit enough to take on the competition head-on are always at the top of the gym entrepreneur’s mind.

“Focus, dedication, the right advice, and a helping hand can help these high-flyers avoid injuries and enjoy a fulfilling, fun experience that positively impacts their careers.”

O’Brien’s academic background is unusual for someone who has set his sights on disrupting the Australian fitness ecosystem, but it gives him a unique perspective on the needs of his clientele.

“People are often surprised to hear that I have a BSc in Computer Applications from Dublin City University, but I’ve found that the discipline and logic involved in working with computer applications complement my experience and my Diploma from the Dublin Institute of Physical Therapy. 

“Success comes down to focus and determination – apply yourself, and you can realize your true potential; that’s true in business, and it’s true at the gym.”

A balanced lifestyle can be an elusive goal for those in the C-Suite, but it doesn’t have to be that way. For executives who want to enjoy a competitive edge, Mark O’Brien may have the solution. 

Find out more at the FitPlusWell company website, or find out why executives are increasingly turning to Mark O’Brien for bespoke fitness solutions on his LinkedIn page.


Published By: Aize Perez

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