Economic Insider

ECIPE, The European Centre for International Political Economy

The European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE) is a non-profit policy research think tank. It was started in 2006 by Fredrik Erixon and Razeen Sally.

ECIPE operates in accordance with the ideals of an open society, one that upholds the customs and tenets of economic freedom and free trade. International trade, rules, digitalization, and other international economic policy concerns that are significant to Europe are the main topics of our work. We are a research-based think tank with the objective of delivering reliable economic and political analyses to decision-makers and observers. We have a diversity of member countries and other countries that are significant to trade and economic policy in the European Union (EU).

Organization and Supervision

ECIPE performs policy research and publishes articles, briefs, and books. We host seminars, conferences, and roundtable discussions on European and international trade policy, regulation, the Single Market, the digital economy, and globalisation.

ECIPE maintains a secretariat in Brussels and employs highly skilled experts who perform economic research and political analysis. We have a network of non-residential Associates and Senior Fellows and provide a platform for other centres and institutions to present their research in Brussels.

ECIPE is controlled by a Board of Trustees, which is in charge of general administration, policies, and is responsible for managing and administering assets in the organisation. The Board of Trustees comprises all major members of the organisation who have a seat on the Board. In order to ensure transparency and accountability, all major decisions require a majority vote by their members. The Chairman of the Board is elected by his fellow Trustees. The current Chairman is Fredrik Erixon, who is also currently the Director of ECIPE.

Areas of Focus

ECIPE works in accordance with the ideals of an open society, one that upholds the customs and tenets of economic freedom and free trade. International trade, rules, digitalization, and other international economic policy concerns that are significant to Europe are the main topics of our work. We are a research-based think tank with the objective of delivering reliable economic and political analyses to decision-makers and observers. We have a diversity of member countries and other countries that are significant to trade and economic policy in the European Union (EU).


ECIPE research covers the following topics: the effects of globalization, new forms of economic interdependence, transformation processes in the global economy, factors shaping economic prosperity, free trade and its alternatives. ECIPE also focuses on the European Union’s economy, trade policies, developments in the WTO, digital trade, EU-China relations and China’s new role in global governance.

What do we offer?

Policy papers – analysis of the main economic and political issues for international trade and European integration with the objective of increasing knowledge about Europe’s role within the multilateral trading system.

Methodological advice and training – support from ECIPE experts in order to improve the quality of economic evaluation.

Training Courses – training courses on topics related to international trade and globalization, EU trade policy, and WTO studies.

Knowledge transfer – ECIPE’s website offers a rich source of information about international trade and globalisation.

Working Papers – early drafts of the ECCIPE research reports are released as Working Papers. The main aim is to receive comments from external readers before finalizing the research report in order to enhance readability and improve the quality of the content.

Events – ECIPE organizes conferences, seminars and workshops with economic and political decision-makers as well as opinion leaders. In addition, ECIPE hosts an annual conference at the World Trade Organization’s headquarters in Geneva.

Workshops – ECIPE organizes workshops on topics such as the Economics of Trade Policy Development, WTO and the EU, “China goes global” workshop and more.

ECIPE offers a platform for critical discussions on the development of the international economic order in Europe. It has taken a lead in presenting research-based results that influence thinking about trade policy issues at both the EU and national level.

ECIPE has been acknowledged by other research institutes in Europe and around the globe as an independent and reliable source of economic and political analysis that aims to improve governance in international trade. In addition, ECIPE works as an intermediary between the academic community and European Union institutions, national governments, international organizations, business associations and other interested parties.


ECIPE is an independent non-profit think tank that develops innovative ideas and provides strategic advice to EU institutions, governments, business and opinion leaders. ECIPE is not affiliated to any political party. Its income comes from the following sources:

  1. Research projects and grants;
  2. Membership fees;
  3. Donations from non-EU countries and institutions;
  4. Donations from EU member states, business associations and other international partners; and
  5. Contributions for aggregated costs such as office space, travel expenses, translation costs etc.

ECIPE is an independent, non-profit and non-partisan think tank. We are driven by a strong mission to create new ideas for the betterment of our world.

The income from the above sources is used for research, the publication of reports, international events and conferences. ECIPE does not receive funding from EU institutions or member states.

Income from donations is used to cover aggregated costs such as office space, travel expenses, translation costs etc.

Contact details

Address: Avenue des Arts 40, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
Country: Belgium
Sub-region: Western Europe
Phone: +32 (0)2 289 1350 Fax +32 (0)2 289 1359

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