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How Trans Activist Ashley Belle Uses Social Media to Share Her Truth and Authenticity

Social media has made it easier for people to connect and share their stories. This rich online environment has made it possible for people from all walks of life to build spaces for themselves on the internet to share their thoughts, experiences, and beliefs. One such person to find her space on the internet is trans activist Ashley Belle. After her life-changing decision to live more authentically, she turned to social media to carve out a space for other like-minded individuals. In sharing her personal experiences, Ashley Belle encourages other people to speak and live their truth.

Born and raised in the deep mountains of Vermont, Ashley Belle was exposed to a lifestyle not many are accustomed to. Her parents taught her how to survive using different skills and tools. As a result, Ashley Belle grew up hunting, shooting guns, four-wheeling, and learning how to build her own life. “But from the age of five, I knew that who I was on the inside did not match up to the person I saw in the mirror. I knew I was a girl, but it took a long time before I could live life as a girl and as a woman,” Ashley Belle explained.

Her conservative upbringing exposed her to many practices and activities that are widely considered to be masculine. “I also had a lot of experience working in construction and metal fabrication. So I grew up doing all things very boyish and manly. It wasn’t easy for me to go through life like that, especially when I knew deep down I was a woman.” After graduating from college, Ashley also served in the United States Air Force for 19 years. Of those 19 years, she served 14 years on active duty and five years with the Air National Guard.

Although Ashley Belle had these difficulties growing up, she does not regret this part of her life. “It made me who I am today. All my experiences made me stronger mentally and emotionally, which is an important characteristic to have when transitioning. The process of transitioning has many ups and downs, and you need the fortitude to handle it all with grace and strength,” Ashley Belle said. She transitioned at 45 years old, carrying everything she had learned from childhood and in her earlier adult years. 

Today, Ashley Belle is an activist who has gained a strong following on social media and Youtube. She advocates and fights for trans rights, especially in matters of sports and fitness. And she is also a strong advocate of right-wing political ideology. Ashley explained, “I am a conservative trans woman. And even though most people will think that as a trans person, I should be more of a liberal, that is not where my values and principles lay. My tagline online is ‘I’m Your Trans on the Right,’ and I only want to share my perspective and add to the discussion as a proud American citizen.”

Ashely Belle has used her online platform to highlight and spread awareness about trans rights and issues through a conservative lens. “I believe in being honest and authentic, and I am unafraid to speak up about matters important to me and the communities I am part of. Diversity and inclusivity mean hearing all sides, and I represent one side that is often overlooked which is that of the conservative trans perspective,” Ashley Belle explained, “By doing my part and sharing my experiences and opinions, I give voice to a different perspective and show society that my views and beliefs matter. I am not alone in this, there are more of us than most people would think, and we are part of the discussion too.”

Social media is a powerful tool, and trans woman and activist Ashley Belle uses it to fight the good fight. Aside from her online platforms, Ashley Belle has also been a guest on several podcast shows and in dialogues with other activists and online personalities. “Truth will always have a place in the world. And my online platforms will always stand for truth and authenticity.”


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