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Inspiring Your Team: The Role of Influence in Leadership

Inspiring Your Team- The Role of Influence in Leadership

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, leadership requires much more than simply exercising authority. In The Future-Forward CEO: Embracing Change in the Digital Age, Dr. Sarah Sun Liew emphasizes that the key to exceptional leadership lies in influence, not command. This article explores how influential leaders can inspire their teams by articulating a clear vision, setting high standards, and recognizing individual achievements, ultimately driving exceptional team performance.

The Power of Influence in Leadership

Influence is the cornerstone of effective leadership, as it fosters a collaborative and motivational environment. Unlike authority, which derives from one’s position and compels compliance, influence inspires people to align with the leader’s vision and goals. According to Dr. Liew, in the modern business world, where creativity and teamwork are paramount, influence enables leaders to connect with their teams on a deeper level, enhancing motivation and performance.

Articulating a Compelling Vision

A clear and compelling vision is a powerful tool that leaders use to inspire their teams. It provides direction, purpose, and a sense of shared mission. Leaders who successfully convey this vision can motivate their teams to not only understand the organizational goals but also to feel personally invested in achieving them.

  • Crafting a Vision Statement: A well-crafted vision statement expresses the long-term goals of the organization in a way that is both ambitious and attainable. For example, Steve Jobs’ vision for Apple—to “make a dent in the universe”—inspired his employees to innovate and push boundaries, uniting them around a common goal.
  • Communicating the Vision Effectively: Dr. Liew stresses that the communication of a vision should be consistent and engaging. Leaders should use various platforms, including team meetings, emails, and informal discussions, to share the vision. Storytelling is an effective method, as it helps make the vision relatable and memorable, painting a vivid picture of what the future could look like.
  • Involving Team Members: Engaging team members in the process of shaping the vision fosters a sense of ownership. Leaders who solicit feedback and integrate their teams’ input build trust and alignment, making the vision a shared objective rather than a directive from the top.

Setting High Standards

In addition to a compelling vision, leaders inspire their teams by setting and upholding high standards. High expectations encourage individuals to strive for excellence and foster a culture of accountability and continuous improvement.

  • Defining Clear Expectations: High standards begin with clearly communicated expectations. Leaders should set clear performance benchmarks and communicate what success looks like for each team member. This helps individuals understand their role in the bigger picture and sets the foundation for achievement.
  • Leading by Example: Leaders who exemplify the behaviors and standards they expect from others inspire their teams to follow suit. Whether it’s a strong work ethic, commitment to quality, or integrity, leaders who lead by example gain credibility and influence, motivating their teams to emulate these qualities.
  • Providing Necessary Resources: Setting high standards is only effective if team members have the tools and resources they need to meet them. Leaders should ensure their teams have access to necessary training, technology, and support. Dr. Liew points out that providing this infrastructure enables individuals to excel and enhances their commitment to the team’s success.

Recognizing Achievements

Recognition plays a critical role in maintaining morale and motivation within a team. Leaders who acknowledge both individual and collective successes create a positive and energized work environment.

  • Celebrating Milestones: Recognizing and celebrating team achievements, whether through public acknowledgment, awards, or small tokens of appreciation, is essential for sustaining momentum. Celebrating milestones creates a sense of progress and reinforces the idea that every contribution, big or small, is valued.
  • Offering Constructive Feedback: Recognition goes hand-in-hand with feedback. Dr. Liew advises leaders to offer constructive feedback that is both specific and actionable. By focusing on areas of improvement as well as strengths, leaders can help their team members grow while also celebrating their achievements.
  • Creating a Culture of Recognition: A culture where recognition is a regular practice fosters camaraderie and mutual respect within the team. Leaders should encourage peer-to-peer recognition and create formal programs that acknowledge excellence, further strengthening team unity and motivation.

Practical Tips for Harnessing Influence

Dr. Liew’s insights provide actionable strategies for leaders seeking to inspire their teams through influence rather than authority. Here are several practical tips based on her leadership philosophy:

  • Develop Emotional Intelligence: Leaders with high emotional intelligence can better understand the needs, motivations, and concerns of their team members. Cultivating empathy, self-awareness, and strong communication skills enhances a leader’s ability to influence and build meaningful relationships within their team.
  • Foster a Growth Mindset: Encouraging a growth mindset among team members promotes resilience and a willingness to embrace challenges. Leaders should support continuous learning and view setbacks as opportunities for growth, fostering a culture of innovation and improvement.
  • Maintain Transparency and Authenticity: Trust is critical in leadership, and transparency builds that trust. Leaders should be open about their goals, challenges, and decision-making processes. Authenticity allows leaders to connect with their teams on a personal level, making their influence more impactful.
  • Empower Team Members: Empowering individuals by delegating authority and giving them ownership of their work promotes accountability and creativity. Leaders who empower their teams encourage innovation and foster a sense of responsibility that leads to higher engagement and performance.
  • Adapt to Change: In a rapidly changing world, adaptability is a key trait for successful leaders. By guiding their teams through change with a positive outlook and a flexible approach, leaders can maintain focus and motivation even in times of uncertainty.

Photo Courtesy: Meridian Beverly Hills Investment & Legal Group / Dr. Sarah Sun Liew


Dr. Sarah Sun Liew’s new book title The Future-Forward CEO: Embracing Change in the Digital Age presents a powerful case for the role of influence in leadership. Leaders who inspire through influence—by articulating a compelling vision, setting high standards, and recognizing achievements—are better equipped to motivate their teams, elevate performance, and foster a collaborative work environment. These strategies not only drive exceptional results but also create a culture where team members are empowered to excel and contribute meaningfully to shared goals.

In the modern business landscape, leadership is about guiding, inspiring, and motivating through influence. Those who master this skill will not only achieve organizational success but also build lasting relationships and a positive, dynamic work culture.

For those interested in learning more about Dr. Liew’s leadership philosophy and innovative approaches:


Dr. Sarah Sun Liew is an accomplished author, co-writing “Succeed In Business In Any Market” with Brian Tracy. She has written 19 additional books, and her work has been featured in over 500 media outlets globally, including Yahoo Finance, NBC, Fox News, and Politico.

Media Attention and Recognition:

Dr. Liew’s career has drawn global media attention, with features in outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, Politico, and AP. She was named one of the “Top 15 Entrepreneurs Shaping the Business World” by the International Business Times. Her leadership in business, education, and community service continues to be celebrated worldwide, with coverage in over 500 publications.

Visit her author profile at:

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Published by: Josh Tatunay


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