Economic Insider

Lisa Kastner’s Leadership Drives Running Wild LLC to Exceed Sales Numbers and Bring Unheard Voices to the Publishing Industry

Lisa Kastner
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Lisa Kastner, the founder and CEO of Running Wild, LLC, is a visionary leader who is changing the publishing industry by bringing to market stories that are typically ignored by other houses due to their acquisition models. Under her leadership, Running Wild, LLC has far exceeded sales numbers in 2022 compared to previous years and nearly doubled gross revenue in 2022 compared to previous years. Kastner’s mission is to change the world through story by bringing forward amazing stories and making them available to eager fans.

Kastner’s personal story of overcoming adversity is a testament to her leadership and determination. Despite losing her home at the age of 20, Kastner went on to obtain a Bachelors, MBA, and MFA while working and building an amazing corporate career in which she transformed organizations through technology and process. Her ability to turn challenges into opportunities is reflected in the success of Running Wild, LLC, which has been honored with two best of 2019 and two best of 2020 books according to Kirkus Reviews, as well as several starred reviews and additional acclaim.

Running Wild, LLC consists of Running Wild Press, where they publish great stories with great writing that don’t fit neatly in a box, and RIZE, where they publish great genre stories written by people of color and other underrepresented groups. Kastner’s vision is to better represent the cultures and ethnicities represented within North America by bringing forward stories that engage readers and push boundaries.

At Running Wild, LLC, the target market involves those who can license their titles, such as audiobook companies, producers and studios for television and film, and graphic novel publishers. Kastner understands that today’s consumer wants their favorite stories wherever they are, whether it’s online, on TV, or in a book. For Running Wild Press, they publish books for readers who love a great story that surprises them, engages them, and keeps them hanging on. They read across multiple genres and enjoy discovering new authors and new stories. For RIZE, the ideal customer loves genre stories, no matter if it’s a mystery, a thriller, women’s fiction, fantasy, or horror.

Kastner’s commitment to bringing forward typically unheard voices is reflected in Running Wild, LLC’s business-to-business model. Independent bookstores and libraries that are looking to engage their local readers and turn customers into readers can benefit from Running Wild Press and RIZE by providing genre stories written by people of color and other underrepresented groups. The book club can select the novels and memoirs that make the readers feel special, like they are special because this book was selected for their enjoyment.

Lisa Kastner is an entrepreneur to watch, as she continues to strive during challenging times such as the COVID pandemic. Her leadership, vision, and commitment to bringing forward amazing stories are changing the publishing industry for the better. Running Wild, LLC’s success in exceeding sales numbers and doubling gross revenue in 2022 compared to previous years is a testament to Kastner’s ability to inspire and drive a team to success. Running Wild, LLC is a company that is changing the world through story, and Lisa Kastner is at the helm, leading the way to a more inclusive and diverse publishing industry.



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