Economic Insider

Transparency as the Foundation of Trust in Politics: Lessons from Dr. Sarah Sun Liew’s Guide


In the complex interplay of governance and public service, trust emerges as the critical element that orchestrates the harmony of democratic engagement. When trust wanes, so does the effectiveness of governance, leaving democracy’s performance at risk. Dr. Sarah Sun Liew, through her insightful publication “Navigating the Path to Political Success: A Handbook for Winning Elections and Shaping Policy,” emphasizes the paramount importance of transparency and accountability in restoring and fostering this trust. This discourse delves into how these foundational principles underpin a thriving democracy and suggests actionable measures for candidates and officeholders to exemplify these essential traits.

The Essence of Transparency

Transparency transcends being a mere fashionable term; it is an indispensable criterion for democratic functionality. It equips citizens with the ability to oversee their leaders, ensuring decisions are made in favor of public welfare over private interests. According to Dr. Liew, transparency lays down the groundwork for a reciprocal trust relationship between the electorate and their representatives. It involves an open government where decision-making processes, along with their rationales, are made accessible to all. Such openness is vital for nurturing citizenry involvement and ownership in the democratic process, transforming them from passive onlookers to active participants.

Accountability: A Keystone of Effective Governance

Accountability complements transparency by holding elected officials responsible to the populace for their actions and decisions. From Dr. Liew’s perspective, accountability ensures that public servants honor their pledges while being liable when they deviate from their obligations. It acts as a bulwark against misconduct and corruption by establishing clear repercussions for undesirable actions.

Strategies for Enhancing Transparency and Accountability

Dr. Liew offers a blueprint for aspiring political figures eager to cultivate trust through transparency and accountability:

Foster Open Communication: Keep constituents informed about initiatives, policy decisions, and project progressions through websites, social media platforms, and public forums.

Prioritize Public Consultation: Engage with citizens before significant decisions or policy implementations via town halls, surveys, or debates.

Enhance Information Accessibility: Simplify access to governmental records by digitizing documents and creating user-friendly online portals.

Promote Fiscal Responsibility: Disclose budget details openly to reassure citizens about ethical financial management.

Implement Accountability Frameworks: Establish systems for regular evaluation of officials’ performance against ethical standards with clear consequences for violations.

Model Transparency: Leaders should personify transparency and accountability in their daily conduct.

Protect Whistleblowers: Shield individuals who expose wrongdoing within government operations from retaliation.

Educate Citizens: Inform people about their rights to information and mechanisms available for holding leaders accountable.

Solicit Feedback Actively: Encourage input on governance quality to refine public services continually.

Commitment to Continuous Improvement: View transparency and accountability not as milestones but as continuous commitments.

Dr. Liew underscores a profound truth: political success is anchored in transparency and accountability – without them, democracy’s essence is compromised. By adhering to these outlined steps, political aspirants can secure constituents’ trust while elevating political system integrity.

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Photo Courtesy: DR SARAH SUN LIEW

Meet Dr. Sarah Sun Liew

A seasoned figure in community leadership whose repertoire spans various sectors, including real estate investment brokerage, education, nonprofit management, consulting, global banking, job training, investment, immigration, and legal services, among others. Currently, she focuses her expertise on enhancing communities through nonprofit engagements. As the senior pastor at Global Jesus Mission Church, CEO and principal at Meridian Business Legal Investment Wish Foundation Inc., and professor at MIT University, Dr. Sarah has dedicated over three decades to education, small business support, and job creation. Her multifaceted career also includes significant contributions to the real estate investment and mortgage industries, as well as leadership roles in I.T. Global Banking Company, MPS Merchant Services Group, and ISO office ownership. Moreover, her position as CEO of Legal Global Investment Immigrant Services Companies underscores her commitment to the American dream and economic growth in California.

Dr. Sarah’s Journey Background

Born in Andong, South Korea, Sarah comes from a family of scholars deeply rooted in academia, politics, defense, and medicine. Upon venturing to the United States, Sarah embarked on a rich academic journey, earning Doctoral and Master’s degrees in Theology, Business, Law, Accounting, Education, and Public Policy. Her academic pursuits took her to esteemed institutions such as Harvard Business School, Wharton Business School, and MIT Sloan School of Management, among others. Sarah’s diverse educational background, combined with her extensive professional experience, positions her as an exemplary candidate who comprehensively understands the nuanced issues facing communities. Her personal and familial journey reflects a relentless pursuit of excellence across various fields, from economics and politics to education and defense, showcasing her dedication to shaping a brighter future for generations to come.

For those seeking further engagement or information regarding Dr. Liew’s initiatives or publications can reach out through her websites, or and You can also connect via email at,, or

Published by: Nelly Chavez

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